Choose Your Plan

To ensure security of all members and to prevent misuse of our services,

Normal service : Paid members can view maximum 100 contacts per activation period.(Valid for 6 Months)

Smart service : Paid members can view maximum 150 contacts per activation period.(Valid for 1Year)

Personalized Service : Paid members can view Unlimited contacts . Initially We give 100 Contacts Post this, to extended this limit. Our site admins after checking the past contacts viewed by requesting members.(Valid upto Marriage or Max 1 Years)

Features / Plan Normal Smart Elite
Package Cost Rs. 1500 Rs. 2000 Rs. 3000
Validity 180 Days 360 Days 360 Days
Maximum number of profiles in search results UnLimited UnLimited UnLimited
Maximum number of Bookmarks allowed 100 UnLimited UnLimited
Maximum number of Express Interests allowed 100 UnLimited UnLimited
View Contact details like phone no and address 100 150 200
Blocked Profiles
View Horoscope details
Number of photos allowed (to upload) 2 2 3
Daily Profiles on Whatsapp
Monthly Suyamvaram participation 6 Months 12 Months 12 Months
Common Weakly Charts
Directly match making Assistance By our Team
Individual Special Charts on Every Month by Post
To Register Normal Smart Elite


Renewal Amount for "Normal" Plan : Rs. 1200

For prompt renewals we offer some concession. Please Contact us for more details.